● DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geobios.2005.09.003
Abstract: The position of the Iberian Peninsula during the Early Cretaceous, sandwiched between Laurasia and Gondwana, makes it an important area for the biogeography study of terrestrial ecosystems. Relevant data are, however, scarce. The discovery of silicified wood in the west of the Cameros Basin, in the village Hacinas (Spain), is the first record of the genus Protopodocarpoxylon in Spain and the seventh of Agathoxylon. A new species, Protopodocarpoxylon haciniensis sp. nov., is described. The anatomy of the samples studied shows that paleoclimatic conditions during the Early Cretaceous in the western part of the Cameros Basin were favorable to tree growth, with good water supply during the growth season. Although much impoverished in comparison with Western Europe, the Iberian Early Cretaceous wood floras are clearly Laurasian in affinity.